Yesterday I wanted to get up and I felt quite fit, but not today. Didn't want to get out of bed and still very tired. Today was only going to be a 174 kilometer ride, so not such a long day. Because I demanded to much of my body yesterday I had some mild knee trouble today. During cycling it's not that bad. Just keep in mind to make nice circles with your feet. Tomorrow will be a short day with only 91 kilometers.
When I left Benson this morning I saw this sign at the liquor store.
I mentioned yesterday that many little towns have a water tower. The come in all sizes, shapes and colors and I really liked this one. The Dutch colors with the name Kerkhoven… no idea how the name of that Dutch down ended up here. Maybe look it op on Wikipedia or someone who reads my blog knows it?
(sorry for the crooked photo)
I also notice people are driving with a phone glued to their ear (and mostly not indicating as a result). You'd say that the fines in this country are high and you would think twice about doing something like that, but hey. The police is present, and watching. I saw the sheriff coming from the other direction and when he passed me I saw him make a U turn in my rear view mirror. Yep, this it the third time I had been pulled over. He told me to ride on the shoulder for my own safety. But have you looked at it? Holes everywhere, uncomfortable and it brings down the speed at least 2 or 3 km/h. I'd rather ride in the lane and keep a good look behind me. The shoulder improved somewhat down the road but generally it was bad whole day long. At the end of the day traffic was also getting worse on US-12 so you had to ride on the shoulder and not block traffic that much.
At the lunch stop I went outside after eating my Ham 'N Cheese Sandwich when I little boy came to me and asked: "Are you Wilfred?". He wanted an autograph but didn't have any paper. But a picture will do. I gave him my business card and told him to look on my site to the next couple of days. I would like it if he would leave a response. I'm curious what he thinks about all those weird bikes.
We are currently at a camp ground with only to facilities. A piece of grass to set up your tent and a water pump you have to move up and down like 20 times to get a little bit of water. No showers. For that you have to go to the main camp ground, some two kilometers down the road. That camp ground had the best showers, power and even cycle paths running through the camp ground. We also had a group diner with local bikers. All offered by Mary.
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Hello, Wilfred! This is just a follow up on a story that seemed to be on-going at the beginning of the tour: what ever happened to the mouse that stowed away inside of several of the velomobiles?
That was the last thing I've seen or heard about the mouse. Never seen it again.
I love the sign at the liquor store....(-;
The sheriff dude wanted you do ride on THAT !?

You should've offered him to switch rides
You in his SUV, and he in your velomobile - on that so called shoulder ..
i think he would quickly change his mind about riding on the shoulder for your own "SAFETY"
I couldn't find much on the early history of Kirkhoven, Minn.
Town 122-37. The first settlement made in this town, was by Ole Home in 1865 on section 4. The first town election was held at the house of N. 0. Broten on section 1. Carl Hanson was chosen moderator and Peter Undeen, clerk; officers elected were: Peter Undeen, chairman; M. Rasmunson. and Carl Johnson, supervisors; John P. Jacobsou, clerk; A. C. Arntson and Carl Hanson, justices, A. P. Carlson and M. Rasmnnson, constables. The first school was taught by Ole Hanson in the house of Andrew Anderson, in 1870. The first religions services were held at the school-house in 1878 by Rev. Modal Jacobs. The first death was Mrs. Ingra Olson in 1874, of consumption.
Professor George O. Ellingboe was born January 29, 1859 in Norway. His father died and he came with his mother to America in 1862; the family resided in Goodhue county, Minnesota five years and since that have been in Kerkhoven. He received a good education and has since been teaching; has a farm of 160 acres; since 1880 has been town clerk. Married January 30, 1882; Ida Syse.
Thosten O. Qvammen, native of Norway, born in 1841, came to the United States in 1864 and was farming two years in Goodhue county, Minnesota. He came in 1866 to Kerkhoven where he now owns a farm of 240 acres. In 1866 he married Mary Thompson; the children are Cliristine, Thorson, Mary, Anna, Ole, Martin and Simon."
The above is from the book History of the Minnesota Valley by Edward Duffield Neill, Charles S. Bryant, North star publishing company, Minneapolis
Google Book link below.
Portland, Oregon