

Home server / media center

The plan was to create a home server that also acts as a media center. On the attic I had a old PC laying around which I first used to install Ubuntu Server to experiment with. I quickly threw away this idea because the computer was pulling about 180 watt in the idle mode. It would cost me around € 350 for power each year. For that kind money I could (almost) buy a new, more power efficient, computer. And that's exactly what I did.


Ready for the darkness

Since the first ride on my rowingbike I haven't gotten around to riding it again. Last week I had 24/7 stand-by from work and that meant carrying a laptop with me (not so very handy). This week I don't have to but there still is another problem, I haven't fitted the bike with a headlight and that was necessary for biking to and from work in the dark. The mounting point was there and so was the headlight, but the problem was that the light was to far back and the footslider would crash into it if I started to use the bike.


New phone

Some 2.5 years ago I've waited for about 10 hours in front of the store for the Apple iPhone 3G. This time I took a different approach, I just went to the store and got me a new one there. This time not the new Apple iPhone 4 but a different smartphone. I thought I'd try out the 'competition', so I bought a HTC Desire HD. This phone does not run on iOS (such as the Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad), but on Google Android, a somewhat more open operating system that that of Apple.

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