Norhern Velomobile Ride 2011
Last year I rode with a borrowed bike, because my own bike wasn't finished yet, but this year I drove my own bike. Better yet, I didn't have to cycle to the meeting point because I lived there. That's convenient, I didn't have to get up early. Well... you do have to take care of the people arriving, there has to be tea and coffee.
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Heatmap bike rides (2010)
A heatmap is a image where data is represented in a graphical way using color differences or intensities. In my case I created a map where all my non-commute rides are shown.
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Oliebollenride 2010
This time in the far-away Tilbug, but that isn't much of a problem. For me this was the first time, seeing I only own a velomobile since this February this year. I'd reserved a couple of day's for cycling to and from Tilburg. The first day before the ride I went to IJsselstein where I could stay at Maarten S. his place for the night. The alarm clock would go off at 6 AM and 1,5 hour later I was in the bike. The day's before the ride I worried a bit about the amount of snow I'd encounter on the way there and if the bike paths would be clean enough, but generally speaking it wasn't to bad.
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First ride on my Rowingbike Thys 209
Last Sunday I received my new bike and yesterday afternoon I was able to ride it for the first time. Fortunately the roads were mostly clean. In some spots there was still some snow, but for 99% the roads were clean. The last time I rode a rowingbike was about half year ago, but this time it went quite well. Only getting started and riding at slow speeds still needs a bit of practice. This Monday I'm leaving for the Oliebollentocht in Tilburg (in the South of The Netherlands), I will be back on Thursday.
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New phone
Some 2.5 years ago I've waited for about 10 hours in front of the store for the Apple iPhone 3G. This time I took a different approach, I just went to the store and got me a new one there. This time not the new Apple iPhone 4 but a different smartphone. I thought I'd try out the 'competition', so I bought a HTC Desire HD. This phone does not run on iOS (such as the Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad), but on Google Android, a somewhat more open operating system that that of Apple.
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Bible study weekend Esbeek
Last weekend there was a Bible study weekend in the Southern part of The Netherlands. Just as two years ago I took my recumbent to cover the distance, but with a few differences. First of all there was the location. Last year it was in Maasbommel, now it was Esbeek. Resulting in a distance increase from 216 to 272 kilometers. Seeing that I now own a second recumbent (my velomobile), I could use it for this long trip. Two years ago I covered the distance with my Nazca Fuego which I had for only two months. Now I am more accustomed to long distances.
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Companyweekend Ermerstrand
Just like last your I went to The Lake Cabin near Erm for the weekend to spend some time with my colleagues. Of course I took my velomobile for a ride that way, it's only about 67 kilometers. The speed was quite good (average of 29.8 km/h) so after 2 hours and 20 minutes I arrived at the known location. Quickly secured the bike, took a shower and waited for the BBQ to start. And what better way to kill some time to take some nice pictures.
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