A heatmap is a image where data is represented in a graphical way using color differences or intensities. In my case I created a map where all my non-commute rides are shown. As you can see in the picture below there are several short local rides but also some longer tours such as the Easter meeting, the Round of the Netherlands, the Velomobile Meeting Giessen, a Bible study weekend in Esbeek and the Oliebollenride I did last week. I took all the GPX tracks I gathered last year, joined them and ran in though a Python script I downloaded from the website sethoscope.net. The picture below is the result of a combined GPX file of 50 MB and a hours worth of calculation. Also I had a look at the number of kilometers I cycled this year, which isn't that bad. In total there are 8948 km logged. For my Nazca Fuego it's 686.4 km (a total of 6959.4 km), for the Sinner Mango+ it's a total of 8247.4 km (since February 2010) and for my new Rowingbike Thys 209 it's just 14.2 km (I only did one ride). This year it will definitely be improved because the Roll over America will add at least another 5000 km.
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