I left home early because I had to be at the rowingclub at 9:45 to give skiff-1 instruction to my students. And because I was running a bit late I took the shortest and fastest route. When I came closer to Hoogkerk I saw a big cloud of fog in the air. But when I came closer it turned out not to be fog but smoke. And when I came really close I could see that some roads were closed and in the distance I could see that it was a very big fire. When I came home it turned out to be a very big fire that destroyed a brand new school. I'm curious what the cause was. And no... it wasn't me with my flaming bike.
Once I arrived at the rowingclub I quickly ate a banana and changed my shoes after which the instruction could start. Since a few weeks I teach two ladies how to row in a skiff-1 boat. Despite the hard wind and the crowded waters every thing went well. Sometimes one forgets to look around causing her to almost crash into the other but thus far it all went well. Even the big ships were avoided with ease, although I had to yell some directions once.
After the instruction I planned to row for myself but it wasn't 11:00 yet... so first I drank a cup of tee. Waiting and more waiting, but no teammates in sight. After checking the mySportsplanner I came to this conclusion... I was the only one! Yesterday there were three people 'green' in the sportsplanner but I guess the canceled... would be great if they told me in advance, now I have a two hour 'hole' in my schedule. I was planning to meet with Anton Luijtink to write a pice for our recumbent magazine Ligfiets&. To kill time I decided to give Anton a call to see where he was at the moment. He wanted to cycle a bit first with the Sinnerclub and head home halfway. They hadn't left yet so we agreed on a spot where I could catch-up with the rest of the group. After looking on Google Maps to see exactly where that spot was I headed out to the Schildmeer (Shieldlake).
After joining the rest of the group we rode a few kilometers together. After that Anton and myself went to his house to write the article. During the Herfsttreffen (Autumnmeeting) Maarten Sneep had asked him to share some of his technical knowledge about bikes. And because Anton isn't a good writer I was asked to help hem with that. Sure, no problem. It was a nice afternoon and we managed to write a nice piece. Today or maybe tomorrow I will send it to the editor to see what they think of it. You will have to wait until the magazine is delivered in the mailbox.
On my way home (just before Zuidhorn) I spotted another velomobile. It turned out to be Willem with his WEB (Willem's Home Built). He was driving on the right side of the road and I was pedaling on the left side (both sides have a double cyclepath). I 'overtook' hem while honking my horn and at the next roundabout I waited to see who it actually was (there are more then one WEB's around). After that I went to the supermarket to get me a box of three pizza's (margherita). The supermarket had a special where if you showed a coupon and your customercard you would get a box for free. Once I arrived at home I tossed on of the pizza's in the oven, and I must say... it tasted quite good... also because they were free.
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