Start rowing...
... well, almost. This afternoon my Thys 209 rowingbike was delivered by the owner of Liever Ligfietsen in Leeuwarden. I've waited a long time for this (almost half a year), but soon I can take it outside. At least... if the snow and dirt are gone. Now it just sits in my living room on one of those Tacx Cycletrack Speedbraker T1800. I can practice a bit until the weather clears.
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Slow, fast and pulled over
This morning I left on my bike to do some erg (read: indoor rowing) on our rowing club. There is still ice in the water so you have to do something to keep in shape. And I got enough training on the way there. The new bike path between Zuidhorn and Groningen wasn't very nicely cleared of snow and ice. They had swept it bit that was a few days ago. Now all the snow and ice was frozen again and the tracks of other bikes were frozen into it, making the speed drop some 10 to 15 km/h. A good workout.
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A message from Italy
Last night I received a email from a Italian (Fabio Bianchini) with the following text: "Ho una bellisima tua foto che ti ho scattato durante una mia vacanza in Olanda. Vorrei inviartela se hai un indirizzo di posta elettronica in cui allegarla come foto.jpg". As I don't speak Italian I used Google Translate to translate the text: "I have a beautifull and your photos I took during my vacation in Holland. If you would like to send an e-mail when attaching a foto.jpg", which I was able to decipher.
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Last Sunday the world famous astronomer Co Met was visiting OOG TV for a meeting. He'd made a very impotent discovery and was invited to join a trip to the moon. Luckily the students of the IMC Weekendschool were visiting that day and they'd make a TV news program with Co as the main subject. The presentation, a report about Co and a interview with his driver (Simon) were scheduled for that day.
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New phone
Some 2.5 years ago I've waited for about 10 hours in front of the store for the Apple iPhone 3G. This time I took a different approach, I just went to the store and got me a new one there. This time not the new Apple iPhone 4 but a different smartphone. I thought I'd try out the 'competition', so I bought a HTC Desire HD. This phone does not run on iOS (such as the Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad), but on Google Android, a somewhat more open operating system that that of Apple.
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It's getting colder
Usually I would be sitting in the boat by 11 hours, but because there is ice that wouldn't happen. Instead I did some ergo, less fun...but you have to keep up your condition somehow. The first 5 to 10 minutes was warming up en then we did three series of 3 minutes V+15, 2 minutes V+10 and 1 minute V+5. The V is the average 500 meter time of a test I did some 2 weeks ago (I had a time of 2:03.8 per 500 meter). The +15 for instance is 15 above the V time.
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Playing dress-up
Yesterday they arrived at our work... a set of three Pete-suites. Together with two colleges I volunteered to play Zwarte Piet at the Sinterklaasfeest at my work. At first I put some creme on my face so that the black creme would be easily removed afterward. But that was not such a good idea, as the black creme was of poor quality and didn't attach itself to the face very well.
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10 years
As promised I would let you know what the announcement was. Well, last Wednesday (December 1st) it was exactly 10 years ago I started working at theFactor.e. I could easily fit in the top 10 of longest working employees. That morning I went to the local shopping center to get two bags of Old Fashioned Dutch candy and also three roses for my colleague. No, not because he's such a nice colleague (well, not that he isn't), but because he and his girlfriend were together three years.
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Last day at work
Turned in my key, key-card and access-code. Closed the door behind me. No more driving up-and-down to Leeuwarden. No, relax... I still have a job, just not in Leeuwarden anymore. Starting March 1st 2010 our company has a office in Leeuwarden where I worked two days a week (beside my work in Groningen). After nine months I decided to fully return to Groningen (where I worked the other three days). Not that it wasn't any fun in Leeuwarden, but I wasn't quite happy with the work set out for me.
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Bible study weekend Esbeek
Last weekend there was a Bible study weekend in the Southern part of The Netherlands. Just as two years ago I took my recumbent to cover the distance, but with a few differences. First of all there was the location. Last year it was in Maasbommel, now it was Esbeek. Resulting in a distance increase from 216 to 272 kilometers. Seeing that I now own a second recumbent (my velomobile), I could use it for this long trip. Two years ago I covered the distance with my Nazca Fuego which I had for only two months. Now I am more accustomed to long distances.
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